What Roles Does Your Doctor Play in A Personal Injury Case? | Milwaukee Personal Injury Doctor

For accidents of any kind, before you file a lawsuit, you are advised to get immediate medical attention if you need it. Your health should be the first priority. Therefore, it is essential to contact your Milwaukee Personal Injury Doctor at once.
The outcome of an accident is personal by nature for every individual. People suffer and recover from injuries differently. Having a doctor to testify about your injuries and provide reliable medical records can make or break your personal injury case.
Additionally, the final result of your lawsuit significantly relies on the amount of evidence your doctor can collect to prove the extent of your suffering.
Aside from a lawyer, a personal injury doctor is a crucial part of any injury lawsuit. But exactly what role does a doctor play in a personal injury case? Below is a list of 5 prominent roles played by a personal injury doctor:
Treats Your Injuries
After a personal injury, you want to get back in shape as soon as possible. A personal injury doctor examines the extent of your injuries and creates a treatment plan. They may prescribe medication, physiotherapy, rest, or exercise to help you recover.
You need to seek this medical treatment as any delay, apart from being detrimental to your health, may weaken your injury lawsuit. Failure to see a personal injury doctor at once may make it difficult for the jury to link your injuries to the accident.
Offers Follow Up Treatment
After the initial treatment, it is common for patients to undergo rehabilitation treatment. A personal injury doctor provides diagnosis and prognosis for your recovery. He/she continues your treatment for a specific period. This is because, chief among the roles of a personal injury doctor, is to assist you on your way to complete recovery.
Your doctor may suggest follow-up treatment options such as pain injections or surgery. He/she may advise you on how long to wait before going back to school, work, or active social life. These recommendations go a long way to guide the amount of insurance compensation you get. They also raise the jury’s confidence in the severity of your injuries.
Keeps Records
Personal injury doctors keep medical records that act as substantial evidence. The notes they keep demonstrate the credibility, severity, permanence, and general effect of your injury. They also show a direct connection between the injury and the accident, which can bolster your compensation claim. Your lawyer may also use this documentation to push for special benefits like income replacement benefit, medical rehabilitation benefit, or attendant care.
Testifies in Court
Your testimony as a plaintiff may not be enough to cement your case, which is another reason you need a specialist. A personal injury doctor can authoritatively put your injuries into perspective for a jury to help justify the amount of financial compensation you request. This expertise goes a long way in supporting your claim.
Adds Credibility to Your Case
A personal injury doctor with a positive reputation in the community gives your case the credibility it needs. These specialists are considered expert witnesses, and the insight they provide significantly affirms a victim’s case.
Additionally, personal injury doctors get more credence from insurance adjusters when compared to non-physicians, such as acupuncturists, chiropractors, and massage therapists.
Wrapping Up
A first-rate personal injury doctor is the key ingredient in a good personal injury case. If your case lacks the detailed records and expertise provided by these professionals, it may not go down well with a jury.
If you were recently in an accident, the best place to start is to find a personal injury doctor near you.