The Achilles tendon is a bundle of fibers that connects your calf muscles to your ankle. It allows you to stand on your toes, jump, walk, and run. An Achilles tendon injury can be painful, uncomfortable, and restrictive. Our Achilles tendon doctor in Milwaukee specializes in diagnosing and treating Achilles injuries, getting you back on your feet safely and efficiently.
If you have sustained an Achilles tendon injury, contact us to talk to a Milwaukee Foot Injury Doctor.
Types of Achilles Tendon Injuries
Achilles tendon pain can occur after an intense workout or workplace injury. The type of pain will usually alert you to the injury you have sustained. The most common Achilles tendon injuries are:
Achilles Tendinitis
Achilles tendonitis refers to an inflammation of the tendon. It could be insertional or non-insertional. While insertional tendinitis affects the fibers in the lower tendon, non-insertional tendinitis causes inflammation of the middle tendon’s fibers. Both conditions can occur due to tendon overuse. They typically develop gradually over time.
Achilles Tendonitis Recovery Time
The recovery time for Achilles tendonitis typically takes between 3-6 months. It will start feeling better after a couple of weeks of rest, icing, and exercises. Recovery can be prolonged if you continue to perform strenuous activities on the tendon.
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Repetitive stress to the Achilles tendon can result in a partial or complete tear. A partial tear is where some of the tendon fibers remain intact. A complete tear, otherwise called a rupture, is where all the fibers become disconnected. Tendon tears or ruptures typically occur due to sudden or repetitive stress.
Torn Achilles Recovery Time
The recovery time for a torn Achilles takes between 6-9 months depending on the severity of the injury and the type of activity you are trying to return to. Return to low-impact activities takes around 6 months while high-impact activities will be possible after 9 months. You should avoid walking on a torn Achilles if you feel extreme pain in your heel and struggle to push off the front of your foot.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendon Injury
If you sustain an Achilles tendon injury, you will likely know immediately. This can be attributed to the pain and discomfort that follows such an injury. Torn Achilles symptoms involve hearing a snapping or popping sound at the time of injury. However, you might be unaware of your injury for hours or days after the accident. Symptoms of an Achilles tendon Injury include:
- Pain in your leg, especially in the back of the heel
- Swelling or bruising around the heel
- Pain that worsens when you move your foot or ankle
- Reduced range of motion in your foot
- Stiffness in the leg
- Difficulty moving your foot or walking

Achilles Tendon Injury Treatment
Your treatment regimen will depend on the type and severity of the Achilles tendon injury. If your injury is mild, your physician might recommend rest, hot or cold treatment, and over-the-counter pain relievers. You could also be required to wear supportive footwear as your tendon recovers.
In most cases, your doctor will also recommend physical therapy to strengthen your leg muscles. The stretches and exercises will be done with a therapist’s help until you are cleared to do them at home.
If your symptoms are severe or fail to improve with these interventions, you might require surgery. This could involve removing the damaged parts of your tendon or lengthening your calf muscles.
Achilles Injury Doctor Near Milwaukee
The Achilles tendon supports many of your movements. You should seek immediate medical help from an Achilles Tendon Injury Doctor when you hurt or tear it. Otherwise, you run the risk of a more severe injury and loss of mobility.
Treatment for an Achilles tendon injury could range from a few days of rest to surgery. At Wisconsin Medical Group, we specialize in diagnosing and treating such injuries. Contact us to set up a consultation for yourself or your client.
Achilles Tendon Workers’ Compensation
The workplace should be safe for all workers. Unfortunately, the negligent acts of others can increase your risk of suffering a workplace injury such as an Achilles tendon injury. At WMG we also specialize in assisting with workers’ compensation cases for any workplace injuries. We provide professional second opinions and independent medical exams, making us an experienced medical witness for patients in Milwaukee.
Find an Achilles Injury Physician in Southeast Wisconsin
Contact Wisconsin Medical Group for help in Milwaukee, Bay View, Glendale, or West Allis
What does a torn Achilles feel like?
Symptoms of a torn Achilles most commonly include pain in the back of the leg near the heel, especially when walking. A torn Achilles usually involves hearing a pop or snap at the time of the injury.
Can I walk on a torn Achilles?
You should avoid walking on a torn Achilles if you feel extreme pain in your heel and struggle to push off the front of your foot.